This year Spring Break wasn't very exciting but very enjoyable! Instead of leaving the country for non-stop partying, I stayed in Montreal. Other than studying, I went ice fishing with one of my buddys! I bought this manual ice drill witch makes 8 inch holes for less than 50$. I than grabbed a package of smelts and a case of beer at the supermarket. Using regular fishing rods with last years 8 pound test fishing line, and an old soup laddle we headed to the waterfront. Obviousely we didnt know anything about ice fishing, good thing we were dressed like profesionnals because even tough it was nice and hot in the city, it was pretty windy on the water. There was about 2 feet of ice, with that manual drill we managed to make 8 wholes before giving up! Thats around 16 feet of ice! Thats when fishing becomes a real sport, we managed to work a little sweat! Our lines got full of ice and would of probably snapped if we would of caught something big enough. Luckily I had brought a cooler to keep the beer hot because when we took one out it would freeze pretty quickly so we had to drink them fast. At the begining we started to drill holes about 20 feet from the beach because we were afraid of breaking the ice, later we realized there was no danger and discovered hundreds of frozen over holes and other fishing teams with 4x4's on the ice! We then decided to drill our next 6 holes in a more strategic area. There is no more ice left now so I guess next year we will have learnt from our first experience and be more efficient. None the less it was a beautiful, fun and relaxing day in the sun! Not to mention alot cheaper than going to an outfitter on Lac St-Louis!