I love football, after my years in St-Leonard I tought my carrer was over... Luckily i found this great league. We play on a 60 yard field in Laprairie,Qc. Beautiful interior turf. The referres are very normal but excellent ones are hard to come by! We lost the first game of the season against The Primes and last night beat the undefeated Predators 28-6. At the beginning I was sceptic about my role on the team because I was to be the center, with the many injurys we suffered at the first game and absences at the second my opportunities to play on defense where numerous wich made me very happy. This league is a great football get togheter with 3 games every saturday night and a total of 8 teams on the circuit. From current and present CIS (canadian inter-university sports) players junior and Cegep players to people who havent played since highschool are hitting the gridiron on saturday nights. We need to take this picture again because people are missing on it and it is also out of focus. We are also looking into having team jerseys made for us. In the mean time Polyvalente d'Anjou are lending us their old jerseys! LIGHTS OUT! Oh yeah thats our team name! It rocks doesn't it?