Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tired of spygate?

Am I the only one tired of hearing about the spygate scandal? First of all to eliminate the fact that I might be biased, I'm telling you I’m 21 years old and I’m a NEW YORK GIANTS fan since Super bowl XXI or to be more realistic Super bowl XXXV! I have been playing football for the last 10 years therefore I think I know a little bit about the sport. Who cares if there were tapes of the walkthroughs and a few signals? Football is played on the field and usually the best team wins, the players with the best athletic abilities and the best football flair make plays in critical situations no matter what! In the game of football there is controllable factors such as the way you train, the way you practice, your mental toughness, the way the team plays as a team, aggressiveness, composure etc. and incontrollable factors such as weather, refs and all that other bullshit you can't do anything about and you got to live with. And personally, if I’m in the huddle and understand the signal or what the next play will be or if the other teams game plan is too predictable, ill immediately transfer the info to my teammates is that cheating? I agree that the fines didn't mean anything but the first round draft pick they lost, now that is plenty of punishment. They should of leave it at that. Matt Walsh is a trouble maker and is crying for attention, he has no evidence that could punish the patriots more than the draft pick they already lost! Like senator Ted Kennedy said: "With the war in Iraq raging on, gasoline prices closing in on $4 a gallon, and Americans losing their homes at record rates to foreclosure, the United States Senate should be focusing on the real problems that Americans are struggling with." And not with this ridiculous spygate scandal or at least on steroid situations this is the real problem in sports nowadays but nobody really cares. What an example for kids, but don't get me started on that matter. To get more information about the spygate scandal please listen to South Park Episode 1205. Enough said! Lets move on!
Raise your feet !!!
Here is another way to do push-ups. Its easy just find some block, a small gate, a couch, a chair, anything and just raise your feet!!! In all forms of push-ups it will be essential not to block your elbows at the end of the extension phase of the movement, this will first of all give you a rest and will put useless pressure on your joints that may result in injury. Give it a try, this is still relatively simple!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Quel impact quelques push-ups peuvent avoir sur ma forme physique et mon entrainement? Je vais essayer d’explorer multiples façons d’exécuter ce fameux exercice en espérant que mes pectoraux, mes deltoïdes, mes triceps et mes dentelés antérieurs puissent en bénéficier. Je débuterai avec 25 répétitions chaque matin, assez facile? Pour les débutants avant d’en arriver à ma toute première variante, je recommande les push-ups de fille, les push-ups sur une surface incliné ou les push-ups appuyés contre un mur. Chaque semaine j’essaierai de changer ou de rajouter un élément à ma routine.
Saviez-vous que le record Guinness est de 1781 répétitions en 1 heure et est détenu par Doug Pruden un Canadien? Le record pour le plus de répétitions consécutives est de 10507 et est détenu par Minoru Yoshida, un Japonais.