Saturday, February 9, 2013

Miller Lite

Haven't had a beer in a while so pretty much anything would taste good at this time. I'm falling more and more for light beers lately. Smooth, crisp, light and still tasty. Excellent pilsener taste, slightly perfumed but fresh smelling beer. It has a very clear goldness to it, almost like creek water. This edition was the punch top can, I really didn't see the difference. Its a little hole you puncture with a key on the top of the can.1- Crack open. 2- Push second tab. 3- Its Miller time. Unlock the smooth pour of great pilsener taste it says, I don't know how it really affects the taste having tried it in different ways. All around its a fine beer. It would be a nice beach beer, probably why it was designed. Special thanks to a certain someone who got me some Oaxaca cheese for the pizza!

4.1% alc.


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