Friday, December 12, 2008

First ski outting of the season!

I went skiing the other day, it was great, I love this sport and it was great for my quads. The thing is is that it is so expensive 50 dollars for the ticket you dont have skis or boots yet! (without speaking of the gas because lets say we are lucky)I was very thankful a guy I know lent me some skis and boots, unfortunatly the boots were way too small so after two times down the slopes I got them changed! The view was great and the air was fresh, I hadn't been skiing last year, well actually I never skied I snowbladed twice. I looked like an outcast on the mountain because I was the only one with jogging pants and a grey coat (soaked in sweat or in snow) I was never cold tough. By days end I was really pooped and didnt get to really enjoy my friend's stagg party! If only I had the budget, I would be there every weekend I am not on the skating rink!
Note that lake Tremblant is not frozen yet !

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